Shoshone-Paiute Tribes
101 Ranch

"Spotlight On" Series
The "Spotlight On" series was developed to provide information on wildlife species, native plants and noxious weeds that may occur on the ranch or within the local area.
Up to 251 species of birds may utilize the ranch to fulfill a portion of their life history requirements. Sandhill cranes, willow flycatchers and yellow warblers are all common on the ranch. Deer, elk and otters are among the mammals that frequent some parcels. Click on "Wildlife" and choose from the list of "spotlight" species.
​Native plants are defined as (Merriams Dictionary) "produced, growing, living, or occurring naturally in a particular region or environment." Native plants are important food sources for fish and wildlife and some species have been used since time immemorial by native peoples for food, medicinal purposes, shelter and other purposes. Click on "Native Plants"and choose from the list of "spotlight" species.
What is your definition of a weed? Most will agree that it is a plant that is growing where it is not wanted. A noxious weed is an invasive weed species that has been designated as one that is injurious to agriculture, livestock, ecological functions, etc. The state of Nevada has designated 47 species on their noxious weed list, which can be accessed at Click on "Weeds" to look at some species you might recognize.
​​​Check back often as we add new "Spotlight" species every two weeks during spring, summer and fall.