Shoshone-Paiute Tribes
101 Ranch

Check out these funding and cost-sharing opportunities for habitat enhancement/restoration projects
​​Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Grants – The NRCS offers a number of programs that landowners may apply for, including:
1. Environmental Quality Improvement Program (EQIP) – EQIP is a voluntary program that assists in funding conservation practices to control weeds, improve irrigation efficiency and reduce soil loss.
2. Agricultural Management Assistance (AMA) – This program focuses on issues such as water management, water quality and erosion control but also provides funding for integrated pest management.
3. Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program (WHIP) – This program focuses on improving wildlife habitat on agricultural lands.​
4. Conservation Technical Assistance (CTA) Program - This program is designed to assist private landowners, community organizations, Tribal, county, state or federal government entities with technical assistance to: maintain and improve private lands and their management, protect and improve water quality and quantity, maintain and improve wildlife and fish habitat, explore opportunities to diversify agricultural operations and develop and apply sustainable agricultural systems.
5. Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) – NRCS provides technical assistance to farmers and ranchers to address soil, water, and related natural resource concerns on their land in an environmentally beneficial and cost-effective manner. The program encourages environmental enhancement.
6. Grasslands Reserve Program (GRP) – This voluntary program offers landowners the opportunity to protect, restore and enhance grassland, rangeland, pastureland, shrubland and certain other lands and provides assistance for rehabilitating grasslands.
7. Sage-Grouse Initiative - NRCS offers to fund a variety of conservation practices to improve greater sage-grouse habitat, such as planting native species, removing or retrofitting fences to make them more visible and wildlife-friendly, and installing wildlife escape ramps in existing watering facilities. This initiative is a component of the EQIP and WHIP programs.,​
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service –
1. Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program – Provides assistance to private landowners who want to restore or enhance habitat on their property. Projects are often developed with assisted from NRCS. Landowner is reimbursed based on the cost sharing formula in the agreement, after project completion.​
2. Private Stewardship Program – Provides grants and assistance to groups engaged in private conservation efforts that benefit species listed or proposed for listing as Endangered, Threatened or Candidate under the Endangered Species Act. This program also covers other at-risk species on private lands. Maximum federal cost share is 90%.
Nevada Department of Agriculture – Noxious Weed Program Funding – This program funds weed mapping and management projects. All Cooperative Weed Management Areas, Weed Districts and recognized Tribes are eligible to apply. Contact Elko County Weed Program contact Sherry Eklund-Brown at
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) – The TNC is a leader in conservation planning and provides technical assistance in ecosystem restoration and management. Contact Nevada state office at or (775) 322-4990.
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) – RMEF funds habitat restoration and improvement projects along with funding land acquisitions and conservation easements. Contact Tom Toman, Director of Conservation, at 800-CALL ELK, Ext. 443 or by email at
Mule Deer Foundation – Local chapters of this foundation fund and implement habitat enhancement projects on public and private lands. The Elko County Chapter #NV 1012 contact information is: Farley Hicks, 775-934-3917,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Five Star Restoration Program – This program brings together students, youth organizations, citizen groups, corporations, landowners and government agencies to provide environmental education through projects that restore stream banks and wetlands. The program provides challenge grants, technical support, and opportunities for information exchange to enable community-based restoration projects. Grants range from $10,000 to $40,000.
Cost-sharing with adjacent landowners and Tribes – There may be opportunities to share equipment, coordinate management activities such as weed treatment, etc., in order to accomplish habitat enhancement and/or restoration goals in the most cost-effective way. Contact the Wilson/101 Ranch to discuss cooperative projects. The ranch number is 775-763-6015.